Facebook Cover Collage App Updated 2019

Facebook Cover Collage App: If you love uploading images to instagram during your Disney journeys like I do, here's a quick means to show off several of those pictures after your journey as your Facebook Cover Photo.

Facebook Cover Collage App

First, sign up on the site Statigram. It's an enjoyable website that will certainly show a lot of instagram statistics, such as which of your photos have the most suches as, the initial person who followed you, and whose pictures you like the most! As soon as you're subscribed, click on the "Promote" tab

Then, scroll down to where it states "Profile Cover".

Click on "Create Cover". You might have to wait a bit for the collage to finish, so don't click away!

Your collage is now total! Can you inform I simply returned from Disneyland?

Save the photo, as well as currently you have a collage of your last 50 images on instragram. If you don't like the picture placement, you can make a brand-new collage every hour. For my present facebook cover, I really combined a few of the collections in photoshop, to choose what I suched as (but that takes away the quick and also very easy part of this tutorial, so do not be as particular as me!) Simply upload it to Facebook, as well as you're done! It's fun to make the collage even if you do not want to utilize it on Facebook.

7 Best Complimentary Online Facebook Cover collage Makers


PicMonkey has 4 various formats for Facebook cover collage, which allows you to put 3 to 7 pictures on the canvas. The designs are not fixed, you can include much more images by dragging and also dropping them between the existing slots. Resize, rotate, turn, or change exposure of uploaded pictures if you desire. Likewise, you could adjust the spacing between images, corner rounding, as well as history color/transparency. You can locate some free examples by picking the third tab on the left sidebar, which could be useful for enhancing your cover image.

After completion, you could send out the collage to PicMonkey's Editor to include text, frame, appearance, results, overlays, and also more, by selecting "Edit" at the top menu.

Pic Scatter

Getting a timeline collage with Pic Scatter is exceptionally very easy. Image Scatter will instantly produce a cover collage based on the images of your Facebook good friends, Facebook suches as, or photo album. For instance, if you wish to create a cover picture collage based upon your Facebook close friends, easy select Facebook friends as your image resource and also Photo Scatter will populate the canvas with their current profile photos. Then, add any filters that you such as.


PosterFuse has an instinctive as well as user-friendly interface that makes producing a cover collage so much less complicated and also delightful. Sign in with your Facebook/Instagram account or submit your very own pictures to begin adding images on the canvas. You could chop, add results, enhance, and also revolve your uploaded pictures prior to inserting them on the canvas by drag and decrease. Then, you could download and install the finished Facebook cover to your PC or upload to your Facebook/Instagram account. The only downside is the produced cover has PosterFuse watermark on it.

Timeline collage

Timeline collage has 11 totally free design templates, yet you need to like their Facebook fan page to make use of 8 of their 11 free templates. After picking your layout, you will be asked to select your Facebook close friends to be included in the collage. It will certainly after that extract your selected Facebook friends' pictures as well as you simply need to pick which picture that you desire to place right into the picked theme.

Timeline collage resembles Photo Scatter, but Timeline collage permits you to choose photos apart from your close friend's present account picture.


piZap gives 13 various layouts for Facebook cover collage, which are able to fit approximately 12 pictures in a collection. After choosing a design, you can include photos, sticker labels, text, cut out/face, frame, as well as a lot more. piZap too supplies some image modifying functions such as turn, resize, turn, readjust shade, auto-fix, results, filters, and so on. A strong collage tool in total.


newFbCover has more than 20 cost-free cover backgrounds readily available for you to select. Just upload images from your computer and put them on your chosen background. You can likewise resize, turn, include borders, include Polaroid effects, or reveal edges on your photos. Once you have finished, click "Export to JPEG" to download and install the cover collage.


Picisto enables you to produce Facebook timeline cover collage, yet with really minimal and fundamental features. You could include images, resize, or re-position it on the canvas, include straightforward message with shades and/or darkness, add forms, and transform background shade. That's it. Absolutely nothing complex or elegant, so do not expect to be able to create a spectacular or specialist looking Facebook cover with this basic device alone.